Finally. After a string of Spotifyesque delays, my latest book -
The Upgrade: A Cautionary Tale of a Life Without Reservations - is finally available in the US (
Kindle! iBooks!). TechCrunch readers will find a host of familiar characters in the book, which follows my adventures living (and almost dying) in hotels. It explains how I came to be best friends with Sarah Lacy (who was also responsible in large part for saving my life) and reveals how Mike Arrington gave me a job when no-one else wanted anything to do with me. On less traumatic, more amusing tech notes, it reveals how I was fired from the Guardian, the background to my semi-infamous
hit-job on LeWeb, and how I once hijacked a MySpace-branded bus at the Future of Web Apps conference (and drunkenly threw a table at Jason Calacanis). The tech world is just a small part of the book though. A few months back, Mike took
particular delight in referring to the chapter in which I wake up very drunk and very, very naked in the corridor of a New York hotel. Here, to amuse Mike, and to remind me why I'm still sober after
634 days, is an exclusive extract from that chapter. Enjoy my embarrassment, do?
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