Thursday, September 23, 2010

Google Gets Chrome Web Store Ready To Roll With Guidelines, Payments, And Previews

While they're still only officially saying that the it will launch "later this year", it appears that Google is taking the steps to get ready for a Chrome Web Store launch very soon. Specifically, a post today highlights that developers can now hook their apps up to Google Checkout merchant accounts (to be able to sell their apps -- U.S.-only for the time being), and that there is now a way to preview how your app will look in the store when it goes live. None of this should be too surprising consider that a presentation in August stated the Chrome Web Store would launch in October. But all the pieces are finally falling into place. While the placeholder space for apps in Chromium (the open source browser that Chrome is based on) keep popping in and out of�existence, the Web Store itself seems to be fully�functional�(it's a part of the Extension online area).


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